Uncontested Divorce in Thailand

Uncontested Divorce in Thailand. A marriage dissolution can be a challenging and stressful process. However, in some cases, when both parties are in agreement regarding the divorce and its surrounding matters, the process can be more straightforward. This situation is referred to as an uncontested divorce. In this article, we explore the framework of uncontested divorce in Thailand, detailing its advantages, conditions, and procedures.

What is an Uncontested Divorce?

Uncontested divorce, also known as administrative or consensual divorce, occurs when both spouses mutually agree to terminate the marriage and can also come to a consensus on critical matters such as division of property, child custody, and alimony. The defining factor of an uncontested divorce is the mutual consent and cooperation between the spouses, which often results in a less adversarial and more efficient divorce process.

Advantages of Uncontested Divorce

An uncontested divorce offers several advantages:

  1. Simplicity: Since all key issues are agreed upon, the process is more straightforward and faster compared to a contested divorce.
  2. Cost-effective: Uncontested divorces are generally less expensive as they avoid the need for lengthy court proceedings.
  3. Less Emotional Strain: The cooperative nature of an uncontested divorce tends to be less emotionally taxing for both parties, and especially beneficial when children are involved.

Conditions for Uncontested Divorce

To qualify for an uncontested divorce in Thailand, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Both spouses must agree to the divorce.
  2. Both spouses must agree on all related issues, such as the division of marital property, child custody and visitation rights, child support, and alimony.
  3. At least one of the spouses must be a resident of Thailand, or the marriage must have been registered in Thailand.

The Procedure for Uncontested Divorce

The process of filing for an uncontested divorce in Thailand involves the following steps:

  1. Preparation of Agreement: The first step is to draft a divorce agreement, detailing the division of assets, liabilities, child custody, visitation rights, child support, and alimony. Both parties must mutually agree to all the terms specified in the agreement.
  2. Filing at the District Office: Once the agreement is prepared, both spouses must bring the agreement to the local district office (Amphoe) where the marriage was registered. The agreement, along with the couple’s identification documents and marriage certificate, must be submitted.
  3. Registration of the Divorce: The divorce will be registered by the district officer, and the couple will receive a divorce certificate. Once registered, the divorce is legally binding.


While an uncontested divorce in Thailand can be a simpler and less stressful alternative to contested divorce, it’s important that both spouses fully understand the terms of the divorce agreement. Although this process is relatively straightforward, seeking professional legal advice can ensure your rights are protected, and the agreement is fair and comprehensive. Furthermore, legal counsel can guide you through the process, ensuring all necessary paperwork is accurately prepared and filed.

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